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Bootstrapping pipx for the obsessed
Sep 4, 2021
2 minutes read

Managing Python based applications is made easy with pipx. But I dislike installing pipx via a pip user install, as it results in two python utilities managing packages. So, instead I let pipx manage it’s own updates.

Here’s how we can do it on a Debian system:

  1. Install python3-pip, with:

    $ sudo apt install python3-pip
  2. Install pipx:

    $ pip install --user pipx

    Didn’t we want avoid that? Yes! We’ll clean this up later.

    Note the installation output for the packages that were installed. In my case, they were: pyparsing, click, userpath, packaging, argcomplete and pipx.

  3. Ask pipx to install itself:

    $ pipx install pipx
  4. Now, we can clean up pip:

    $ pip uninstall -y pyparsing click userpath packaging argcomplete pipx
    $ sudo apt uninstall python3-pip --autoremove --purge

    If you are obsessed like me, you can also clean up the site packages directory. Only do this after verifying that it is empty.

    $ rm -r ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages

    In my case, it was safe to remove ~/.local/lib.

  5. As there already was a pipx in ~/.local/bin from the pip install, pipx doesn’t create a symlink in ~/.local/bin when we did step 3. We need to manually do this:

    $ ln -sf ~/.local/pipx/venvs/pipx/bin/pipx ~/.local/bin/

That’s it! Now we can manage packages with pipx, like:

$ pipx install neovim-remote

Upgrading all packages is trivial:

$ pipx upgrade-all

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